SoCal Fire Resources

As wildfires and strong winds continue to impact communities across Southern California, we want to ensure you have the tools and guidance to stay safe and informed and receive help should you need it. 

For us as child care providers our houses aren’t just our homes but our businesses and livelihoods – where generations of neighborhood children have come to receive a quality early childhood education. For those of us fortunate enough to still be in our homes, we’re scrambling to find PPE and spending all day indoors to protect children’s delicate lungs from suffocating smoke. We’re working to emotionally support children who have lost their homes or don’t know if their homes are still standing – who are staying in strange places and don’t have their treasured belongings. We’re supporting families who no longer have access to diapers and formula or enough to get a healthy meal together.

Some of us have lost our homes and many more are still evacuated, waiting alongside the families in our care to figure out what we do next. No matter how you’re impacted by these fires, we are here for you, as your union sisters and brothers to provide support however we can and share resources as they become available.

Below, you’ll find crucial information on payment policies, licensing updates, evacuation shelters, and tips to prepare and respond effectively during this emergency. This information will continue to change as we learn more. Please do not hesitate to contact the CCPU Provider Resource Center (PRC) to speak with a Provider Resource Specialist at 888-583-CCPU (2278).

Licensing and Payment Questions

What to know regarding modified payment due to this emergency: 

  • If schools are closed due to an emergency such as this and providers are providing additional care hours than during a typical school day: providers can be paid according to the child’s vacation schedule, record the actual hours the child is present and note on payment forms that it is due to emergency or school closure, to be paid for the child’s certified need for a vacation schedule.
  • If providers are closed or some children are not present, providers should still be paid according to certified need. Note on payment forms that you (or impacted families) were closed/absent due to the fire emergency. See section 7.5 of the CCPU contract for more on this policy.
    • An Executive Order from the Governor also guarantees 30 days of pay from the declared date of each emergency for providers impacted by this emergency that are open or closed.

What do you need to communicate to licensing if you are licensed?

  • Licensed providers are urged to update licensing about any changes to their facilities, including closing due to evacuation or other fire-related reasons.
    • PIN has more info here.
  • If you haven’t received emails, texts or calls from Licensing and you are under an evacuation order or your operation is impacted by the fires, please contact your regional office and let them know the status of your facility: impacted but still can operate; will not be able to operate; has been evacuated or damaged; not impacted.
    • Look up the number for your Regional Office here.
  • The Governor issued an emergency declaration that allows the DSS director to waive many existing guidelines temporarily to meet child care needs, including what requirements providers must meet to operate as a licensed provider. More information should be coming out soon from licensing. If you aren’t receiving these updates, please email to be updated when licensing rule waivers are granted.

Resources for Providers

If you’re impacted by the fire and wind emergency, visit SEIU Local 99’s resource page (Los Angeles County providers) or UDW’s resource page (Orange County, San Diego County providers) to view a list of evacuation shelters, aid centers, and the Emergency Fire Assistance form.

Reach out to your local R&R to see if they have resources to support:
There are some resources that R&Rs may have to support (ex: blankets, diapers, toiletries). Here are the agencies connected to the key fire areas

The LA County ECE Emergency Response Team is holding a webinar Thursday 1/16 at 10 am. Child care providers affected by the fires should register to learn more. For more information, please email DPH-OAECE at

Apply for aid from the State and Federal Government:

Those who need disaster assistance can apply through FEMA using code DR-4856-CA

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) through the State is available to providers, both those caring for subsidized as well as private pay children. This assistance is available through July 12, 2026 and not tied to the 30 day Executive Order from the Governor. Learn more and apply on the EDD website. Those needing extra support can visit in-person Disaster Recovery Centers 9am-8pm 7 days a week.

Talking to children and caregivers about fires and loss

Sesame Street has resources in English and Spanish to help children and their families understand preparing for emergencies and recovering from them, from helping caregivers understand the importance of self care during times of crisis to how to comfort children who are showing signs of distress.

Stay Prepared

  • Pack your emergency GO bag with clothing, medications, important documents, water, non-perishable food, chargers, and a flashlight. Include masks and any supplies you’d need for loved ones and pets.
  • Fully charge your phones and backup batteries. Ensure your vehicle’s gas tank is full or your electric car is fully charged.
  • Have a plan ready to reunite with loved ones if you’re separated, and know the routes to leave your neighborhood in case of an evacuation.
  • Clear debris, dead leaves, and other flammable materials from around your home. Close windows and vents to prevent embers from entering your home.
  • Park off the street whenever possible to leave roads clear for first responders. Stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel during peak winds.

Stay Updated

For the most up to date emergency information and evacuation updates, please visit the links below.

For additional resources, questions or support, call the CCPU Provider Resource Center (PRC) to speak with a Provider Resource Specialist at 888-583-CCPU (2278).

Access your portal

Step 1

Go to portal site.


Click “Create Account.”

step 3

Complete the following fields, using the information provided in the benefits letter you received.

  • User Type: Member
  • Email: Enter your email address and confirm your email
  • First and Last Name: Enter your first and last name
  • SSN/SIN: Enter the last 4 digits of the Retirement Identification Number you received from your benefits letter. Do not enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security number.
  • Date of Birth: Enter assigned date of birth from your benefits letter. Do not enter your actual date of birth
  • Zip Code/Postal Code: Enter the zip code exactly as written on your benefits letter
step 4

Click “Next” and the following screen displays

Enter the password, and three Security Questions and answers, and select the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy checkbox.

step 5

Click Finish, the account is created, and you are returned to the initial screen (see following screen example)

You will also receive an access code which will be sent to the email that you entered when you created your account. Note: Each time you log in from a new computer/device, you must enter a new access code.

step 6

From the initial screen, enter the email address you used to set up your account and password, and click Login

step 7

Enter the access code you received in your email to access the Dashboard screen

If you have any questions, or would like assistance registering your portal, call our CCPU Provider Resource Center at (888) 583-CCPU (2278).

Info Sessions Recordings:

July 9 CCPU Retirement Fund Info Session

July 18 CCPU Retirement Fund Info Session

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions in the FAQ section below.

Are the benefits from the Retirement Plan taxable income to me?

The State contributions to your Retirement Plan account are not taxable to you until you receive a distribution. There may be distributions options to defer those taxes.

When can I sign up for the Retirement Fund and where can I learn more?

Eligible providers are automatically enrolled in the retirement fund. However, the administrator, Zenith American Solutions, will ask eligible providers to update necessary information. It is important to provide this information so that your records are accurate, and to avoid delays accessing your account.

If you believe you are eligible, but have not received this mail, you may contact the CCPU Provider Resource Center for assistance at (888) 583-CCPU (2278).

Have more questions?

If you have additional questions, you can call the CCPU Provider Resource Center at 888-583-CCPU (2278) from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday.

WHAT – What benefits does the Retirement Fund expect to offer providers?

Expand the Retirement Fund Benefits Table to see benefits.

 Plan Rules
Eligible participants*

You are eligible to participate in the Retirement Plan for a 2024 contribution if you are:

  • A licensed child care provider
  • Who has been paid 6 or more months of child subsidy in the 2023 calendar year (can be non-consecutive months).
Eligibility for benefit credit for contributions in 2024*You will earn your full service credits for 2023 if you were paid for ten or more months of child subsidy in 2023. If you were paid for 6 or more months of child subsidy, you will receive 60% of your service credits, 70% for 7 months, 80% for 8 months and 90% for 9 months. You will not earn any service credit if you were paid for less than 6 months.
ContributionsThe only contributions to the Retirement Plan will be paid from funding won through the CCPU collective bargaining agreement. The Plan does not accept contributions from you.
Amount of annual employer contributions for 2024 service allocable to participants in 2025*You will earn one full service credit for the State contribution on your behalf in 2025 if you were paid for ten or more months of child subsidy in 2024. If you were paid for 6 to 9 months in 2024, you will receive a pro-rated service credit. You will not earn any service credit if you were paid for less than 6 months in 2024.
VestingYou are “vested” in any contribution correctly made to your account. You do not need to work a minimum number of years before 2024 to be entitled to a benefit.
Distribution events

You can elect to receive your account when:

  • You stop all work as a licensed provider paid for state subsidized child care for 9 consecutive months at any age (“terminate from service”);
  • You stop all work as a licensed provider paid for state subsidized child care for 3 consecutive months at age 60 or older (“retirement”); or
  • You attain age 73, which is the age you are required to start receiving payments, unless you are still working.
Forms of distributions

If you are age 60 or older and stop all work as a licensed provider for 3 consecutive months and elect to retire, you can choose to receive your account balance as:

  • One lump-sum payment
  • Approximately equal monthly payments for 5 years
  • Approximately equal monthly payments for 10 years

If you are younger than age 60 and stop all work as a licensed provider for 9 consecutive months, you can only elect to receive your account as one lump-sum payment.

Death benefitsSince your account is 100% vested, you can designate a beneficiary (or multiple beneficiaries) to receive your account balance if you die before you receive it.
InvestmentsThe Board of Trustees will manage how the Retirement Plan is invested on your behalf, with the assistance of investment professionals.

*Special rules apply to providers where more than one provider is on the payment record.


Who is eligible for the Retirement Fund benefits?

State contributions to the Retirement Plan are tied to the child care subsidy program. To be eligible for retirement benefits in 2024, you must be a licensed provider who has have been paid for work with a subsidized child in at least 6 months in 2023-these months do not need to be consecutive. License exempt providers are not eligible; however, if you become licensed in a year, your work in that year may count for eligibility.


When will the benefits be available?

Contributions to the Retirement Plan are tied to the child care subsidy program. To be eligible for retirement benefits in 2024, you must be a licensed provider who has have been paid for work with a subsidized child in at least 6 months in 2023-these months do not need to be consecutive. License exempt providers are not eligible; however, if you become licensed in a year, your work in that year may count for eligibility.


How can I get help enrolling?

If you are eligible, the Plan will automatically enroll you based on data received by the State of California. You should immediately update your information with the Plan so it has has all of your current information and you receive credit for your years of licensed work.