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Defeating COVID: Updates

Sep 19, 2020

Our First Meeting with State Leaders: Challenges Around COVID-19


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

After two decades of building our power in our union from the ground up, today was a new chapter in the fight for dignity and respect for California’s childcare providers.

We’ve won the right to a seat at the table to negotiate directly with the state of California around early education issues impacting providers. COVID-19 has forced us to rely on each other more than ever and our union brought one unified voice to address our needs.

During our first meeting, the State heard directly from CCPU childcare providers about three issues that providers face due to COVID-19 that cannot wait to be addressed; the need for paid closures due to COVID circumstances, the inability for providers to lose pay for waived family fees, and support and compensation providers need to facilitate distance learning.

State officials listened to stories of what we go through and solutions we offered; CCPU providers were glad to talk directly to officials from the California Department of Education, the Department of Social Services, and CalHR to advocate on impacts providers face offering early education. This first meeting ended with the State providing no answers or solutions to the issues we raise, but we agreed to meet again next week.

We need our state leaders to act quickly and deliver the support we deserve as we tackle distance-learning, increased sanitation costs, financial constraints, health risks, and more. We ask ALL childcare providers to commit to a quick call TODAY and demand our Governor to protect the services to the youth in our care.

Call #: 1-866-584-5792

Here’s an example of what you can say: 

“Governor Newsom, my name is ________________. I’m a childcare provider from _______County. Providers like me are essential workers, and especially with schools currently closed for in-person learning. We know that as Governor you’ve supported early care and education, and we and the children need you now, more than ever, to address the challenges we are facing to stay open for families who must work and students who must learn. We urge you as Governor to work with childcare providers immediately to resolve problems providers are facing operating in the pandemic.”


The next meeting with the state will be Wednesday, September 23, 2020. We know that to get the solutions we need, the State needs to hear about what ALL providers face. What will get us results is providers being ready to take action together NOW and ensure they continue hearing from the thousands of providers in our union, not just a few of us in the meeting. The state must acknowledge what providers and families need to survive and thrive in these unprecedented times. IT’S TIME FOR THEM TO ACT SWIFTLY. Join us in holding the State accountable.